Monday, December 30, 2019

[限時優惠]東森購物ETMALL 年終

東森購物 年終回饋 Happy New Year


活動期間:2019/12/25(三) -2020/01/14(二)
兌換期間:2020/02/04(二) -2020/02/10(一)
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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

[Health] Healthy LifeStyle

With the rapid development of modern civilization, new types of work stress are becoming more and more common. New types of work pressure refers to the so-called along with the progress of science and technology, computers, home appliances and mobile phones and other hardware and software of the lives, previous work requires a lot of labor in exchange for life for a lot of be replaced, habits of most people generally tend to lack of exercise, fast food or foreign food is popular, high sugar, high fat, low fibre such as unhealthy diet is becoming more and more popular; In such an increasingly unhealthy lifestyle, the pressure on the workplace, work and even life continues unabated. The unhealthy lifestyle and long-term pressure will lead to physical and mental exhaustion and wear out, resulting in so-called overwork.

For many people, chronic fatigue caused by work stress may be caused by the work content and workload. But the working environment factor and the length of working hours, working salary, family life and so on, can aggravate or accelerate its overwork symptom! If the above unhealthy or unbalanced state continues, over time the body may begin to feel uncomfortable, shoulder and back pain, stiffness or headache symptoms, that is, may become "chronic fatigue disease", is the so-called "overwork". The main diseases caused by overwork are cerebrovascular disease and heart disease. The former includes cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, hypertensive encephalopathy, etc., while the latter includes myocardial infarction, heart failure, narrow heart disease, arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death.

Most of the overworked high-risk groups have the following conditions:
1. Working too long, over 60 hours a week on average.
Work hours cause sleep deprivation.
3. More night shifts or irregular working hours, such as shift medical and police personnel, etc.
4. Self-demanding and nervous.

Self-understanding is the first step in preventing overwork. The occupational safety and health department of the ministry of Labour has produced a manual on self-prevention of overwork.
1. You often feel tired and forgetful.
2. A sudden sense of aging.
3. Stiff and numb shoulders and neck.
4. Insomnia due to fatigue and depression.
5. Get upset and angry about small things.
6. Frequent headaches and chest tightness.
7. History of hypertension and diabetes, abnormal ecg.
8. Your weight changes suddenly.
9. You haven't sweated during exercise in recent years.
10. Not seeing a doctor because you feel well.
11. Relationships suddenly go bad.
12. Frequent mistakes or disagreements at work recently.
If you want to know whether you are overworked, you can also use the online stress index to assess your stress status.

The next step is to change your lifestyle. Prevent overfatigue is one of the most important long-term health lifestyle, regardless of the symptoms of burnout, modern people in the pursuit of work and career, must be timely relax myself, getting plenty of rest, a moderate amount of entertainment, regular exercise and a balanced diet, a good interpersonal relationship, and choose a better working environment, and rid of bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, etc.), is the waving of chronic fatigue and away from the most important core of karoshi.

Healthy living includes
1. Balance work and leisure: choose a job you enjoy and make work a self-fulfilling process. Moderate relief and rest are also important, and too much work or workaholism is one of the early signs of overwork. Staying up late can cause endocrine changes, memory loss, aging and mental instability, which need to be avoided.

2. Get regular exercise: there are so many benefits to exercise that it's essential to a healthy life! Exercise can consume the body too much heat, help to maintain proper weight, enhance the cardiopulmonary function, promote the blood circulation, and reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, strengthen body resistance, prevent osteoporosis, strong muscles help stretches the physique, improve the waist sour backache, increase body and joint flexibility, get better sleep quality, more productive, etc. Remain with regular exercise is essential to avoid overfatigue, physical activity for different ethnic groups have the effect of health promotion, the world health organization recommends adults aged 18-64 using the cumulative way for 10 minutes every time section, accumulation of 150 minutes a week of medium strenuous physical activity (activity can still talk, but can't sing) or 75 minutes of physical activity painfully speech may lose when (activity); The physical activity of the over-65s was the same as that of adults aged 18-64, accumulating up to 150 minutes of moderately strenuous physical activity per week.

3. A balanced diet: a healthy and balanced diet not only makes you happy but also makes you more productive. The study found that eating poorly can increase the risk of loss of work efficiency by 60%. A healthy and balanced diet can ensure the energy needed at work and improve work efficiency. It also increases the cost of stress tolerance. Nut seeds and dairy products can not only meet the needs of balanced nutrition, but also reduce a variety of chronic diseases.

4. Good interpersonal relationship: good interaction at work or at home can double work efficiency and make work more enjoyable. We can also help and solve difficulties together

5. The suitable working environment: good daylighting, ventilated and virescence work environment make people more energetic at work, we spend billions of dollars to build the rain forests of the office with nature ecosystem is a combination of office, is to let people forget the job in the office, can choose or remaking a suitable working environment is very important.

6. Avoid smoking and drinking too much: work pressure is great, some people will use smoking and drinking to eliminate the pressure, but do not know the long-term decline in the body faster, all kinds of diseases, heart and lung function and liver function are affected, but more and more poor resistance to pressure! It is recommended to quit as soon as possible!

If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle, stress will gradually reduce, and overwork and chronic fatigue will be away.

[JOKES]Animal Election

The purpose of the meeting of the animals in the forest is to elect an animal who knows human beings and lead them to deal with human beings. The reason is that the development of human beings increasingly threatens the survival of animals.

The first person on the stage was the mouse, who said, "I live in a human house, and I know very well that humans come out to harass humans when they are sleeping. Many humans are schizophrenic because of us! So this representative is not who I am!"

Up just before the cat is away mice has heavy said: "you are a small mouse in the human eyes is a fart ah, is you of the presence of humans to put my training into killer at night, let me become a cat family special kinds! Who say understand human except cat! What I can lead you to the human mouse medicine poison in human food, because human is absolutely trust the cat in the evening, so I should be the representative."

Cats haven't down dogs ran up coldly said: "damn, you are now a dead cat human almost put you out, use modern weapons to catch mice, don't let you catch mice when pet you won't wag its tail, guarding your muscles don't developed, you also is a dispensable role, I can not, as is human loyal friend, know all kinds of methods of curry favor with the human, I know the human is the most people, so you should choose me, who would have thought that the most close animal would hurt him?"

After the dog made a speech, there were no animals coming up, the dog was secretly satisfied that I was the representative of when settled, then from below came a sound: "brothers killed the three human side of the bastard, to the human a xiama wei!" Then the animals all rushed forward...

Saturday, December 7, 2019

[限時優惠]樂天食品折200限量券 1912foodX

到12/15之前 食品類商量晚上八點可以使用限量5折券

1912food + 每日代碼
例如: 12/05是1912foodD




[JOKES]Mark Twain's humorous stories

Mark Twain, an American novelist, once stayed in a hotel in Chicago. He was checking in at the desk when a mosquito came. Mark Twain said to the waiter, "I have heard that the mosquito is very clever, and so it was. It came to see my room number in advance, so that it could come in the evening and have a good meal."

The waiter couldn't help laughing. Mark Twain slept well that night because the bellman remembered the room number and did everything he had to do in advance.

By chance, Mark Twain and the orator johnsy m. debiao were invited to the same dinner party.

The speech began, and johnsy m. debiao spoke for 20 minutes, to great applause. Then it was Mark Twain's turn.

Mark Twain stand up and face has be reluctant to say: "all of you here, I'm very sorry, before Mr Johnsy m. to puma swap speeches about me, so you just hear my speech, I sincerely thank you seriously listen to and enthusiastic support. However, somehow, I can't find johnsy m. puma's notes, so I can't speak for him. Please you to forgive me to sit down."

French celebrity bogai made fun of the short history of americans, saying: "americans often like to remember their ancestors when they have nothing to do, but when they think of their grandfathers, they have to stop."

Mark Twain replied, "when the French are free, they always try to find out who their father is, but it is very difficult to find out."

When Mark Twain was a little-known writer, he was introduced to general grant.

After they shook hands, twain could think of nothing to say, and grant maintained his usual reticence. At last Mark Twain stammered, "I am embarrassed, general, and you?"

Mark Twain went out for a ride. When the conductor checked the ticket, he searched every pocket but could not find his own. The conductor knew him, so he comforted Mark Twain and said, "it doesn't matter, if you can't find your ticket, it doesn't matter." "Why, it doesn't matter. I must find the damned ticket, or how will I know where I'm going?"

Mark Twain often tells people of a sad time when he was a child. It is said that when Mark Twain was born as a twin, he and his twin brother were so alike that even their mother could not tell them apart.

One day, while the nurse was bathing them, one of them fell into the bathtub and drowned. No one knew which twin had drowned.

"That's the saddest part." Mark Twain said, "everyone thinks I'm the one who survived, but I'm not. My brother survived. I was the one who drowned."

Mark Twain was accused of lying by a critic who liked to quibble over details. Mark Twain replied: if you do not know how to tell a lie, have no ability to tell a lie, have no knowledge of how to tell a lie, how do you know I am a liar? Only those who are experienced in this field have the right to make such a flagrant accusation. "

Mark Twain was invited to a dinner party.

During the dinner, he said to a lady: "madam, you are too beautiful!" But the woman said, "Sir, I regret that I cannot answer you in the same way." The quick-witted and sharp-tongued Mark Twain smiled and replied, "that's all right. You can tell lies like me."

Mark Twain received a letter. It was written by a young man who wanted to ask Mark Twain the secret of becoming a great writer. "I've heard that fish contain a lot of phosphorus, which is good for the brain," the letter said. "it seems you must eat a lot of fish to be a great writer. Mark Twain wrote back, "it seems you'll have to eat a whale."

Monday, November 4, 2019

[Health] Mental health, life will be happy

Life is rare, while you are still healthy and energetic time to increase wisdom, see through life, help yourself find the real life answer. The following is the weekly mou ni jinshe galaxy big handprint club member jing si language experience share, also ask you to read jing si language after careful reflection, and can refer to the following experience, with other perspectives, learn the wisdom of others experience, grow together!

Jingsi language: to live a healthy, important is mental health, life will be happy.

The following are Shared by members:

(1) life is not everything smooth, regardless of family, love, career, friendship, there may be problems, the fate of the day; It may be days or months, years or the end of one's life. Therefore, no matter what, it is necessary to grasp the good of everyone around.

When I was young, I was often sad and self-reproachful because I couldn't do something well, my mind couldn't bear the pressure, and I always had the idea of being world-weary. Strangely enough, my friends always found out my situation early, so they prevented me from happening.

I still remember that when I was in high school, my family was not in good condition. My parents often quarreled with each other for lack of money. My father thought that my mother had caused the bankruptcy of the family, which was so serious that he was delusional and thought that my mother was going to kill him. Until one day I know the pain of the mother and her a shoulder to shoulder a living, let the whole family sleeping rough not, when she could not bear the huge pressure, want to commit suicide in front of my father, my tears bursts, immediately kneel down in front of parents, only hope that parents can go back in time and with all her heart, very wonderful, I am a kneeling, our family was more peaceful than it used to be, no longer noisy, father murdered delusion is also reduced, finally even healed!

As an adult, I often wondered, why did this happen in the first place? After thinking about countless possibilities, I finally think there is only one answer, that is, both parents and sons have understood that nothing is so serious that we need to quarrel, quarrel, or even commit suicide to solve it. The only way is to face up to the next life positively, instead of living in the pain of the past. Only positive thoughts can lead to a happy future!

Summary quote: the past is the past, on the journey of life to correct the behavior, inclusive everyone around, more good deeds, naturally can become a contagious person!

(2) when I first encountered work difficulties in my former company, I responded positively but not rashly, and finally came to the conclusion that:

1. Too positive without considering the other side's position and feelings will only get a bigger rebound, adding more obstacles.

2. Negative face, a lot of things are irrelevant, seemingly peaceful, smooth, but things still exist, once the opportunity to deal with, will be forced to face again.

3. Deal with it positively but not rashly, consider the other side's position more, think more steps, reduce the obstacles to doing things, face it positively and act in accordance with the current situation.

At the beginning, in the first two stages, there was a lot of pressure (negative emotions), coupled with poor living conditions, and finally the body could not bear, began to develop abnormalities (such as: insomnia, tinnitus, etc.), the doctor can not improve.

Until the realization that there is nothing without health, especially mental health, the impact is even worse. Therefore, I began to find ways to change my state of mind and try to keep myself thinking positively. With the help of every adversity, I began to change my habits and adjust them step by step to keep myself in a normal state of mind. This habit has been ongoing, has gradually seen results, and strive to maintain the habit. What's more, when I have the chance, I will share my experience with the right person

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

[JOKES]The most easiest road in life is downhill

1.Christmas day let me a person pass, New Year's day also let me a person pass, valentine's day also let me a person pass, have the ability to test you let me a person PASS!

2. What a cute little creature a mosquito would be if it smoked fat instead of blood.

3. What's wrong with the world when you dress like this?

4. I will be in seclusion for a month. Don't call me, because I will come out when I am called.

5. Life is funny. Live or die.

6.It is said that the way to ruin a good song is to use it as an alarm clock, and the way to ruin a good book is to include it in the exam.

7. They say the Internet is fake, I smile, as if the reality is very real.

8. Hard work makes the boss rich!

9 the most thoughtful you are your shoes, do not think it dirty, because you walk the road is not clean.

10. Otaku is a very unstable state, as long as a power failure, will degenerate into caveman.

11.Nothing can go wrong if you try.

12. Only rich people are single. Are you single? You that call bachelor!

13.The so-called maturity is from a tadpole into a frog, not from a small tadpole into a big tadpole.

14. There is a woman who can make you a millionaire, but only if you are a multimillionaire.

15. Go out on your friends, make a fool of yourself.

16. I know that life has no end, but at least, I have to make sure I eat well while I'm at it!

17.I am relieved to know that you are not doing well.

18 I am a very principled person, my principle only three words: to see the mood.

19 The most easiest road in life is downhill

20. You don't know who's swimming naked until the tide goes out.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

[Health]Drinking 3 times a week reduces the risk of dementia by 76

Mixing vegetables into fruit juice can make fruits and vegetables more convenient to eat. It is not only easier for elderly people with bad teeth to eat, but also easier for children who hate certain fruits and vegetables and are partial to food. It can help improve the problem of nutrition imbalance. And two more points out of Japan's leading medical doctor Bai Zezhuo, fruits and vegetables into vegetable &fruit juices, also can destroy the cell walls of plants, beneficial to human body health composition is more easily absorbed, can help improve health benefits, of which Bai Zezhuo two more recommended simple vegetable &fruit juices recipes "matcha asparagus milk", not only taste good, and brain alzheimer, anti-aging effect!

Delicious "matcha milk with asparagus" is anti-cancer and anti-aging

In recent years, studies have found that phytochemicals such as polyphenols in plants have a good effect in preventing atherosclerosis, and may also have a positive effect in preventing alzheimer's disease, bai said. However, the content of these ingredients is higher in the skin of fruits and vegetables that are often discarded. Therefore, bai zizuo suggested that it is more convenient to make fruit juice with the skin, which can help us absorb more nutrients in the food materials, break down the cell membrane of fruits and vegetables, and improve the absorption rate of phytochemicals. One study found that drinking juice had better antioxidant activity in the blood than eating fruits and vegetables.

In addition, many people think that healthy lettuce salad, often because the sauce calories too high, but easy to make people fat; It can also help prevent extra calories from causing obesity if you juice your fruits and vegetables. Another study found that people who drank fruit juice three or more times a week had a 76 percent lower risk of developing alzheimer's than those who drank less than once a week.

He also makes his own juice for breakfast every day, and one of the juices he especially recommends is "matcha asparagus milk". The catechins in matcha help prevent deposits of amyloid beta, the protein that causes alzheimer's disease, while asparagus is healthy for its immune-boosting, cancer-fighting properties.

Japan pharmaceutical university principal, m.d., Ph.D., Ding Zongtie also said the matcha is ground into a powder and made into tea, can more tea nutrition intake, which is rich in polyphenols "catechins," it helps remove the cause arteriosclerosis, cancer cells increase the reactive oxygen species, accelerated aging, catechins and activation function of the brain at the same time, can help to maintain brain health.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

[Health]Develop this habit to improve your cognitive ability and focus

Studies conducted at the Georgia institute of technology in the United States on exercise and the brain show that the average person who does 20 minutes of light aerobic exercise improves cognitive performance, concentration and research thinking for three to four hours afterward. This is because exercise improves blood flow to the brain, releasing dopamine, which is associated with motivation and learning.

Other light activities such as stretching, gymnastics, and working while walking or standing can also have the same effect.

Since ancient times, we humans have been moving our bodies while keeping our minds fully functioning. In the days when hunting was the means of survival, humans were constantly thinking and trying to catch animals larger than themselves. In order to survive, it is necessary to move the body, use the brain, with this way to keep the brain developed. In modern times, although we no longer hunt, our brain mechanisms have not changed much. Physical activity through exercise is essential to improving brain performance.

Also, getting into the habit of exercising every day can help you reach number four: "body mass index above 18.5, below 30?"

Walking for 15 to 30 minutes three times a week can help you stay in shape. Changing your diet and exercising to stay healthy might at first sound like weight loss. But you don't need to lose too much weight to keep your mind functioning for life.

A BMI above 18.5 and below 30 means that you are neither thin nor fat, and you are a moderate body type. When I tell patients in the exam room to walk more, they often reply, "doctor, you won't lose weight if you walk more." But the goal is not to lose weight, but to get into the habit of moderate exercise.

On the other hand, if someone in their 40s or 50s has not developed an exercise habit, or has not done aerobic exercise in the past month, we can say that their healthy habits are entering a vicious circle in which the mind is becoming unusable.

I'm not asking people to buy jogging shoes, sportswear and go out for a run. Instead, get off the bus a stop early and walk home when you come home from work, or take a walk to a nearby park during your lunch break, or do your favorite sport during the holidays.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

[JOKES]Hounds and Sheeps

A rancher raised many sheep. His neighbor was a hunter, and kept a pack of fierce hounds in his yard.

The hounds often jumped over the fence and attacked the lambs in the pasture.

Several times the rancher asked the hunter to keep the dog, but the hunter did not agree and promised, but a few days later, his hunting dog jumped into the pasture and rushed into the field, biting several sheep. The unbearable rancher asked the town judge to judge. Hearing his complaint, the reasonable judge said, "I can punish the hunter, or I can issue a decree to make him lock up the dog. But then you lose a friend and gain an enemy. "Neighbors with friends, of course." "Said the rancher. "Well, I'll advise you to do as I tell you. Not only will your sheep be safe from disturbance, but you'll have a friendly neighbor." The judge said so. The rancher says yes. As soon as they got home, the farmer chose the three sweetest lambs as the judge had told him, and gave them to the hunter's three sons. Seeing the white and meek lamb, the children are like treasure, every day after school to play with the little lamb in the yard. For fear that the dogs should hurt their sons!

The lamb and the hunter made a big iron cage and locked the dog up. Since then, the rancher's sheep have never been disturbed. In return for the rancher's kindness, the hunters began to send him game of all kinds. Gradually the two became good friends. The best way to persuade a man is to think for him, so that he can benefit from it. "To persuade a person, the best thing to do is to do what's best for him, let him can also benefit from it", many quotes are simple and understandable, but to use in the life of the things to still need to practice, after all, when if shit I met such a neighbor, angry heart often obscures the wisdom, and make the people choose to hurt each other for the way to solve problems.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

[JOKES] leather shoes came from

Long, long ago, humans walked barefoot.

A king was traveling in some remote country where the road was so rough and full of broken stones that his feet hurt and hurt.

When he got back to the palace, he gave an order that all the roads in the kingdom should be covered with cowhide.

This, he thought, would not only benefit himself, but also benefit his people, so that they could walk without the pain.

But even if all the cattle in the country were killed, there would not be enough leather to raise, and the money and labor would be too little.

It was impossible, and even foolish, to do so, but at the king's command they could only shake their heads and sigh.

A wise servant ventured to offer advice to the king: "o king, why do you want to make a public sacrifice by sacrificing so many oxen and spending so much money? Why don't you just cover your feet with two pieces of ox hide?"

The king was surprised, but he understood, and at once withdrew his order and adopted the proposal. It is said that this is the origin of "leather shoes".

It's hard to change the world. It's easier to change yourself.

Instead of changing the world, change yourself first -- "wrap your feet around".

Change oneself some idea and course of action, in order to resist external invasion.

When you change, the world in your eyes will naturally change with you.

If you want to see the world change, the first thing you must change is yourself.

"If the heart changes, the attitude will change; if the attitude changes, the habit will change; if the habit changes, the life will change.

[JOKES]Depend on ourselves

There's one fun and little story.

Small snail asked his mother: why we were born, to carry this hard and heavy shell?

Mother: because our bodies have no skeleton support, can only climb, and climb fast. So the protection of this shell!

Small snail: caterpillar elder sister does not have a bone, also climb fast, why does she need not carry this hard and heavy shell however?

Mother: because the caterpillar sister can become a butterfly, the sky will protect her.

Small snail: but the earthworm younger brother also did not have the bone to climb fast, also can't become the butterfly he what don't carry this hard and heavy shell?

Mother: because the earthworm brother can drill the earth, the earth will protect him.

Little snail cried: we are poor, the sky does not protect, the earth does not protect.

Mother snail comfort him: "so we have shells!"

We don't depend on the sky or the earth. But we depend on ourselves.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

[Health] Egg and Milk Simple Breakfast

In fact, the healthiest breakfast is also the easiest. Simple to make, simple to process, add the least seasoning, is the best.


Egg nutrition value lies in protein, protein is the basis of human life.

Egg protein is mainly in the white, yolk contains lecithin, cholesterol and lecithin.

Although some people worry about the high cholesterol content in the yolk, there should be no problem for young people, and it is ok to eat an egg every other day.

Eggs rank: boiled > scrambled eggs > tender Fried > old Fried > milk and egg

There are various ways to eat eggs. In terms of digestion and absorption, boiled eggs are 100%, tender Fried eggs are 98%, scrambled eggs are 97%, boiled eggs and milk are 92.5%, Fried eggs are 81.1%, and raw eggs are 30%~50%.

Therefore, boiled eggs are best. In addition, tea egg should eat less, because theophylline can affect the absorption of nutrients.


Milk is rich in protein and calcium. In the elderly can also prevent atherosclerosis, hypertension and osteoporosis.

Milk rank: customized fresh milk > packaging of pure milk > breakfast milk > flavored milk

Fresh milk nutrition is the most sufficient, the market dairy products will add some other sugar, additives, flavor agents and other things, will make the protein is not as high as fresh milk.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

[Jokes]Humor with wisdom

Witty answer to reporter

Franklin Roosevelt served four terms as President of the United States. On March 25, 1944, franklin Roosevelt was re-elected for a fourth term as President of the United States. A reporter from pioneer BBS asked the 32nd President how he felt about his re-election. Roosevelt smiled and offered the reporter two sandwiches. The reporter thought it was an honor and ate it soon. Roosevelt asked him to take the third piece, the reporter was flattered, although the stomach is no longer needed, but he still eat it. Roosevelt smiled and said, "there is no need to answer your questions now, because you already know what you feel."

Hard to Say

Because of President Coolidge's reticence, many people always took great pride in talking to him. At a dinner party, a lady sitting next to Coolidge tried to get him to talk to her more. She said, "Mr. Coolidge, I made a bet that I could get more than three words out of you." "You lose! Coolidge said.

Once a famous lady of society sat shoulder to shoulder with the President, and she talked on and on, but the President remained silent. She had to say to him, "Mr. President, you are too quiet. Today I must try to get you to say something more, more than two words." President Coolidge muttered, "in vain."

Switch watch

George Washington was the first President of the United States. He has a young secretary. One morning the secretary arrived late. He found Washington waiting for him. Feeling guilty, he said that something was wrong with his watch. Washington calmly replied, "I'm afraid you'll have to change your watch, or I'll have to change my secretary."

Thursday, September 12, 2019

[Health] 30+ give yourself healthy life

When I was 20 years old, 
I wanted to eat, 
stay up all night, 
or eat ice without fear. 

Your metabolism starts to slow down at 30, 
and if you continue to binge like you did at 20, 
you'll notice that your waistline is getting bigger. 
Or feeling groggy all day and feeling unmotivated? 
Now start making small changes in your daily routine, 
switching from meat to vegetables, 
waking up an hour earlier to exercise, etc. 
You'll find that you'll feel refreshed and more productive! 
Follow our simple life plan...

Sleep time

It's best to take a nap between 11 p.m. and 1 p.m., especially if it's good for your heart. Take a nap about half an hour after dinner, preferably between half an hour and 40 minutes. In the evening, it is better to go to bed from 10 to 11 o 'clock, because people's deep sleep time is from midnight to 3 o 'clock the next morning, and people can enter deep sleep state after sleeping for one and a half hours.

Exercise time

Evening exercise is the most beneficial, because: human physical exertion or physical adaptation, are in the afternoon or near evening divided into the best. At this time, the person's taste, vision, hearing and other senses are most sensitive, the body coordination ability is the strongest, especially the heart rate and blood pressure are relatively stable, the most suitable for exercise.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

[JOKES]Humor Stories Of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein’s wife often suggested that he dress more professionally,
when he headed off to work.
“Why should I?” he would invariably argue.
Everyone knows me there.”
When the time came for Einstein to attend his first major conference,
she begged him to dress up a bit.
“Why should I?” said Einstein.
“No one knows me there


Albert Einstein was often asked to explain the general theory of relativity.
“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour,”
he once declared.
“Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.
That’s relativity!”


When Albert Einstein was working in Princeton university,
one day he was going back home he forgot his home address.
The driver of the cab did not recognize him.
Einstein asked the driver if he knows Einstein’s home.
The driver said “Who does not know Einstein’s address?
Everyone in  Princeton knows.
Do you want to meet him?”.
Einstein replied “I am Einstein.
I forgot my home address, can you take me there? ”
The driver reached him to his home and did not even collect his fare from him .


Einstein was once travelling from Princeton on a train when the conductor came down the aisle,
punching the tickets of every passenger.
When he came to Einstein,
Einstein reached in his vest pocket.
He couldn’t find his ticket,
so he reached in his trouser pockets.
It wasn’t there, so he looked in his briefcase but couldn’t find it.
Then he looked in the seat beside him.
He still couldn’t find it.
The conductor said,
‘Dr. Einstein, I know who you are.
We all know who you are.
I’m sure you bought a ticket.
Don’t worry about it.’
Einstein nodded appreciatively.
The conductor continued down the aisle punching tickets.
As he was ready to move to the next car,
he turned around and saw the great physicist
down on his hands and knees
looking under his seat for his ticket.
The conductor rushed back and said,
‘Dr. Einstein, Dr. Einstein, don’t worry,
I know who you are. No problem.
You don’t need a ticket.
I’m sure you bought one.’
Einstein looked at him and said,
‘Young man, I too, know who I am.

What I don’t know is where I’m going. That’s why I am searching my ticket”

Friday, August 30, 2019

[Health]Healthy habits = Happy Life

Healthy habits are the key to a long life.
Better health and happiness — I want it, you want it, we all want it.

You know the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but it’s hard to embrace them. Why? Every good habit may be hard to adopt, but you can change that, one simple and consistent habit at a time.
Healthy habits can easily put your health and productivity on autopilot.
And the good news is, you don’t have to make drastic changes to your life or current routine to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
Small changes done consistently can have a greater impact on your life in the long-term. Adopt some of these simple habits today and start creating an epic life your future self will be proud of.

1. Stand more

Your body is designed for regular movement.
If you sit behind a desk for a very long time, you’ve got to change that.
Sitting for too long will negatively impact the quality of your life and work.
When you sit for long stretches, good cholesterol drops, and your body becomes inflamed, which increases the risk of heart attack.
Moving your muscles helps your body digest the fats and sugars better.
Dr. James Levine, author of Get Up! Why Your Chair Is Killing You and What You Can Do About Ithas done a number of investigations and notes that within 90 seconds of standing up (if you’ve been sitting for too long), the muscular and cellular systems that process blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol get activated.
When you stop moving for extended periods of time, it’s like telling your body it’s time to shut down. The less sitting you do during the day, the better your chances of living a healthy life.
You’ll be in a better mood, feel more energised, and relieve your achy body with just a few seconds of stretches at your desk.

2. Sleep is not a luxury

A consistent seven to nine-hour sleep is one of the most important and effective things you can do for your brain and body.
“Sleep is perhaps the greatest legal performance-enhancing ‘drug’ that few people are taking advantage of,” writes Matthew Walker of The Guardian.
Many people suffer from bad sleep; the worries of the day often keep them from fully recharging their brains and bodies for the day ahead.
They get up, maybe two, three, four times, before morning.
WebMD explains that an average adult needs between 7.5 and 8 hours of sleep per night, but also note that some people can function with 6 hours of sleep, while others need 9 or more.
I aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night and endeavour to go to bed at the same time every night.
Consistent good sleep allows you to have plenty of energy for your day’s work.
And adequate amounts of sleep can improve your memory and quality of life, sharpen your attention, help you maintain a healthy weight, and of course lower the stress.
Healthline explains that mental health issues, such as depression, are strongly linked to poor sleep quality and sleeping disorders.
To begin a new path towards healthier sleep and a healthier lifestyle, the National Sleep Foundation recommends a personal assessment of your own individual needs and habits.
Pay careful attention to your mood, energy and health after a poor night’s sleep versus a good one, and find out what helps and what doesn’t.

3. Move for at least 30 minutes a day

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~ Jim Rohn
Always keep moving.
Your mind, body, and waistline will thank you.
It’s one of the most important decisions you can ever take for your health.
John F. Kennedy once said, “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”
Exercise boosts your confidence and energy levels.
It’s also a great way to combat stress and turn you into a calmer person.
Every morning, I try to stretch (pushups, squats, general body movements) for at least 5 minutes.
And during the day I take time to walk or power-walk when possible.
Walking helps clear my mind and have a different perspective on my current projects and life in general.
On weekends I workout for at least 10 minutes. Don’t go to the gym for an hour and lift weights until you pass out. If you can commit to minimal activities for even 5 minutes a week it’s a good start.
I will start biking in a few weeks. My gear is almost set.
Exercise doesn’t have to be anything big but it has be consistent.
You can squeeze in daily choices like taking the stairs, parking farther away, going for a quick walk, etc. to keep your body active.
Start small and develop the habit into your daily schedule and then ramp it up when you can.
Exercise a couple of minutes every day. You can get started with this simple 7-minute routines from the New York Times.
To make exercise a daily habit, schedule it into your calendar and set reminders.
If possible, always exercise at the same time.
And most importantly, make it a pleasurable activity. There’s no sense to run if you don’t like running. Find a type of exercise that you like and practice it.

4. Upgrade your water intake

Our bodies are around 60% water.
Good water is better than any other beverage.
“Think of water as a nutrient your body needs that is present in liquids, plain water, and foods. All of these are essential daily to replace the large amounts of water lost each day,” says Joan Koelemay, RD, dietitian for the Beverage Institute, an industry group.
After 6–8 hours of good sleep, your body becomes dehydrated, so I drink at least a glass of water every morning before breakfast.
After rehydration, your body will function and metabolize at its greatest efficiency.
The activated system can then process the nutrition you eat better and distribute the energy you need for your day’s work.
According to dietitian Julie Upton, drinking about half your weight in millilitres of water is a great way to ensure you stay hydrated, have energy, and even burn more calories.
“When you’re dehydrated you’ll experience dry mouth, low blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, dry skin, and worst of all, fatigue,” writes Patrick Allan of Lifehacker.
Listen to your body and make the right choice as the day progresses.
When you’re low on fluids, the brain triggers the body’s thirst mechanism.
It pays to listen to those cues and get yourself a drink of water.
If you already have a good morning and bedtime routine, make drinking water a part of it.

5. Open your windows

Getting enough fresh air where you live may be as simple as opening a window.
“Open your home to the outside world as frequently as you can, since the inside of a home generally has three to four times the pollutants and particles that are most dangerous to us. If you don’t air it out, you increase the chance that these pollutants will build up,” says Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD.
The air inside your home might be even more polluted than the air outside.
There are dozens of possible sources of polluted air on our homes — hairspray, candles, fumes from the nonstick coating on your cookware, etc.
While any might be harmless in small amounts, the air they create when mixed together can turn up inflammation, raise blood pressure, and even harden your arteries.
And if you’re spending more time indoors, it's even more important to ventilate your house every now and then.
So make sure to open your windows as often as possible and bring fresh air.
Open windows for at least 10 minutes every day on milder days and once a week in winter, if you can’t afford to open your windows for just five minutes a day.
Keeping windows shut over winter helps save energy, not to mention money. But if you never exchange the air inside your home for fresh air, it can get stale and potentially lead to health issues.

6. Make nuts your go-to snack

A better snack is medicine your body.
Healthy snacks have the power to help you feel your best.
Nuts are better than potato chips or crackers.
Nuts are high in heart-healthy omega-3s, which also have been shown to help shrink your waistline.
Make your snack work for you, not against you.
“People who ate one ounce of nuts a day (that’s about 25 almonds or 50 pistachios) were less likely to die over a 30-year period than people who didn’t eat them at all, found a study of 119,000 people published in the New England Journal of Medicine,” writes Lauren Gelman of Reader’s Digest.
High levels of healthy unsaturated fats in nuts may lower cholesterol and inflammation, reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and more.

7. Remove clutter from your life

“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.” ― Joshua Becker
Clutter is anything you don’t like, don’t use, or don’t need.
Our lives tend to accumulate clutter over time in almost every corner: on our desks, in our drawers, on our shelves, in our closets, on our computer, and even on your mind.
Evidence suggests that when multiple visual stimuli are competing for your attention, you have a harder time narrowing your focus to only one of them.
Decluttering your life is about removing some of the extra possessions in your house, keeping your desk clean at the end of every working day, focusing on one goal at a time (single-tasking), keeping an MIT(most important things) list, unsubscribing from newsletters you don’t need, and consuming less media to keep a sane mind.
There’s no downside to decluttering.
When you consistently declutter your life, home, and work, everything will improve everywhere.
You’ll feel amazing, emotionally lighter, and energised, and your health will expand easier.

Closing thoughts

People who stick to healthy habits in adulthood can add more than a decade to their lives, according to a major study into the impact behaviour has on lifespan.
If you are ready to make healthy choices, simply pick a couple of healthy habits that resonate with you.
Don’t pick more than you can handle at a time, otherwise, you will give up.
Focus on small behaviour changes everyday and work towards developing a healthier lifestyle. Changing your habits is a process, not a destination.
Healthy living isn’t impossible, but it takes time to develop. If you’re willing to make the sacrifices to better your health, the impact can be life-changing, regardless of your age.